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1 /* 2 * Angkor Web Framework 3 * 4 * Distributable under LGPL license. 5 * See terms of license at 6 */ 7 8 package com.tirsen.angkor.test.unit; 9 10 import com.tirsen.angkor.*; 11 import com.tirsen.angkor.test.unit.mock.MockRenderContext; 12 import com.tirsen.angkor.process.*; 13 import com.tirsen.angkor.event.ChangeEvent; 14 import com.tirsen.angkor.event.ChangeListener; 15 import com.tirsen.angkor.widget.*; 16 17 import javax.servlet.ServletException; 18 import; 19 20 /*** 21 * TODO document ProcessTest 22 * 23 * <!-- $Id:,v 1.2 2002/10/13 13:37:26 tirsen Exp $ --> 24 * <!-- $Author: tirsen $ --> 25 * 26 * @author Jon Tirs´n ( 27 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ 28 */ 29 public class ProcessTest extends AbstractPipelineTest 30 { 31 private static final String firstModelValue = "firstvalue"; 32 private static final String nextModelValue = "newvalue"; 33 34 private TestController testController; 35 private Application application; 36 private MockRenderContext context; 37 private MockPipeline parsePipeline; 38 private MockPipeline eventPipeline; 39 private TestView testView; 40 41 public class TestController extends Controller implements ChangeListener 42 { 43 private ValueModel model = new BasicValueModel(firstModelValue); 44 private boolean eventReceived = false; 45 private boolean fatalError = false; 46 private boolean failDuringEventProcessing = false; 47 48 public TestController(Application application) 49 { 50 super(application); 51 } 52 53 public View createView() 54 { 55 TestView view = new TestView(); 56 57 assertNotNull("model not created at this time", model); 58 59 view.setModel(model); 60 61 view.addChangeListener(this); 62 63 return view; 64 } 65 66 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) 67 { 68 eventReceived = true; 69 assertTrue("model value not changed, value: " + model.getValue(), nextModelValue.equals(model.getValue())); 70 try 71 { 72 if(failDuringEventProcessing) throwError("event processing"); 73 } 74 catch(Exception e) 75 { 76 getApplication().handleError(e); 77 } 78 } 79 80 public boolean isEventReceived() 81 { 82 return eventReceived; 83 } 84 85 public void setEventReceived(boolean eventReceived) 86 { 87 this.eventReceived = eventReceived; 88 } 89 90 public void setFailDuringEventProcessing(boolean failDuringEventProcessing) 91 { 92 this.failDuringEventProcessing = failDuringEventProcessing; 93 } 94 95 public void setFatalError(boolean fatalError) 96 { 97 this.fatalError = fatalError; 98 } 99 100 protected void throwError(String phase) throws Exception 101 { 102 if(fatalError) 103 { 104 throw new Exception("Fatal error during " + phase + "!"); 105 } 106 else 107 { 108 throw new NumberFormatException("Warning during " + phase + "!"); 109 } 110 } 111 } 112 113 public class TestView extends TextInput 114 { 115 private boolean parsed = false; 116 private boolean rendered = false; 117 118 private boolean failDuringParse = false; 119 private boolean failDuringRender = false; 120 private boolean fatalError = false; 121 122 protected void throwError(String phase) 123 { 124 if(fatalError) 125 { 126 throw new SecurityException("Fatal error during " + phase + "!"); 127 } 128 else 129 { 130 throw new NumberFormatException("Warning during " + phase + "!"); 131 } 132 } 133 134 public void setFailDuringParse(boolean failDuringParse) 135 { 136 this.failDuringParse = failDuringParse; 137 } 138 139 public void setFailDuringRender(boolean failDuringRender) 140 { 141 this.failDuringRender = failDuringRender; 142 } 143 144 public void setFatalError(boolean fatalError) 145 { 146 this.fatalError = fatalError; 147 } 148 149 public void parse(RenderContext context) 150 { 151 if(failDuringParse) throwError("parse"); 152 153 super.parse(context); 154 parsed = true; 155 } 156 157 public boolean isParsed() 158 { 159 return parsed; 160 } 161 162 public void render(RenderContext context) throws IOException 163 { 164 if(failDuringRender) throwError("render"); 165 166 super.render(context); 167 rendered = true; 168 } 169 170 public boolean isRendered() 171 { 172 return rendered; 173 } 174 175 public void setRendered(boolean rendered) 176 { 177 this.rendered = rendered; 178 } 179 } 180 181 public void setUp() throws Exception, ServletException 182 { 183 super.setUp(); 184 parsePipeline = new MockPipeline(); 185 parsePipeline.addValve(new ErrorValve()); 186 parsePipeline.addValve(new ParseValve()); 187 188 eventPipeline = new MockPipeline(); 189 eventPipeline.addValve(new ErrorValve()); 190 eventPipeline.addValve(new EventValve()); 191 192 //Pipeline renderPipeline = createRenderPipeline(testController); 193 194 context = new MockRenderContext(); 195 context.ensureApplicationInit(MockApplication.class); 196 application = context.getApplication(); 197 198 testController = new TestController(application); 199 application.registerComponent("current", testController); 200 testView = (TestView) testController.getView(); 201 testView.getId(); 202 203 application.init(); 204 } 205 206 private Pipeline createRenderPipeline(ViewFactory component) 207 { 208 Pipeline renderPipeline = new DefaultPipeline(); 209 renderPipeline.addValve(new ErrorValve()); 210 renderPipeline.addValve(new SingleViewFactoryRenderValve(component)); 211 return renderPipeline; 212 } 213 214 /*** 215 * Tests the whole default processing. First tests each valve separately: 216 * <ol> {@link ParseValve}, checks parsing does <em>not</em> occur on first request. 217 * <ol> {@link EventValve}, checks events does <em>not</em> occur on first request. 218 * <ol> {@link RenderValve}, checks view rendered. 219 * <ol> {@link ParseValve}, checks parsing occured and model updated before events. 220 * <ol> {@link EventValve}, checks events was sent. 221 * After separate testing runs the processing as created by {@link Application} 222 * a couple of times checking the above things. 223 */ 224 public void testProcessing() throws Exception 225 { 226 application.beforeRequest(context); 227 228 ValueModel model = testView.getModel(); 229 230 // test parse valve 231 parsePipeline.execute(context); 232 233 assertTrue("test view was parsed before it was actually rendered", !testView.isParsed()); 234 235 // send events 236 eventPipeline.execute(context); 237 238 assertTrue("change event was received before any change actually occured", !testController.isEventReceived()); 239 240 // render valve (as a transition also prepares) 241 Pipeline renderPipeline = createRenderPipeline(testController); 242 renderPipeline.execute(context); 243 244 assertTrue("testView was not rendered", testView.isRendered()); 245 testView.setRendered(false); 246 247 // this should reset all the controllers prepare-state 248 context.afterRequest(); 249 250 assertTrue("model doesn't have correct value", firstModelValue.equals(model.getValue())); 251 252 // simulate we changed the value of the testView 253 prepareContextForChange(testView, false); 254 255 // parse again, this time components should have been registered and things will start happening 256 parsePipeline.execute(context); 257 258 assertTrue("test view was not parsed", testView.isParsed()); 259 260 TestView view = testView; 261 ValueModel valueModel = view.getModel(); 262 assertTrue("model have not been updated", nextModelValue.equals(valueModel.getValue())); 263 assertTrue("events was sent before models were updated (or at least before they were ordered to be sent)", 264 !testController.isEventReceived()); 265 266 // 4b. send events 267 eventPipeline.execute(context); 268 269 assertTrue("change event was not received", testController.isEventReceived()); 270 testController.setEventReceived(false); 271 272 valueModel.setValue(firstModelValue); 273 context.afterRequest(); 274 275 // do the whole process in one pipeline 276 277 process(); 278 279 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 280 { 281 //Pipeline process = application.createRenderPipeline(testController); 282 283 prepareContextForChange(testView, false); 284 285 process(); 286 287 assertTrue("testView was not rendered", testView.isRendered()); 288 testView.setRendered(false); 289 assertTrue("change event was not sent", testController.isEventReceived()); 290 testController.setEventReceived(false); 291 292 // clean up for next test method 293 context.afterRequest(); 294 } 295 } 296 297 public void testAccessCurrent() throws Exception 298 { 299 Pipeline pipeline = new DefaultPipeline(); 300 pipeline.addValve(new Valve() { 301 public void execute(ExecuteContext exec) throws Exception 302 { 303 assertSame("could not access application", application, Application.getApplication()); 304 assertSame("could not access render context", context, RenderContext.getRenderContext()); 305 } 306 }); 307 pipeline.execute(context); 308 } 309 310 public void testError() throws Exception 311 { 312 final Exception exceptionToThrow = new Exception(); 313 pipeline.addValve(new ErrorValve()); 314 pipeline.addValve(new Valve() 315 { 316 public void execute(ExecuteContext exec) throws Exception 317 { 318 throw exceptionToThrow; 319 } 320 }); 321 ExecuteContext executeContext = pipeline.createExecuteContext(context); 322 pipeline.execute(executeContext); 323 assertSame(exceptionToThrow, application.getError()); 324 } 325 326 private void process() throws Exception 327 { 328 Pipeline process = application.createRenderPipeline(testController); 329 process.execute(context); 330 } 331 332 private void prepareContextForChange(View view, boolean register) throws Exception 333 { 334 parsePipeline.start(); // really just a QD to get uniqueId working... 335 context.setRequestParameter(view.uniqueId(context), nextModelValue); 336 if(register) 337 { 338 context.registerParsingComponent(view); 339 } 340 } 341 }

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